Advocacy for children and families
About us / Advocacy for children and families

Advocacy for children and families

Spurgeons' Manifesto 2024

There is a nationwide urgency to address the issues affecting children and families. Because we support over 30,000 children each year, we understand the challenges they face and what needs to change. 

Through our advocacy work, we want to ensure that policy, practice and funding are all directed to helping children and their families thrive. 

Our priorities

1 - Accessible, expert counselling for children and young people to be provided in school. 

It’s no secret that young people’s mental health is in crisis, and we need to resolve this fast. Early intervention is the solution. Ring-fenced funding will mean children and young people receive help more effectively.

2 - A national agenda to deliver parenting programmes so that all families can benefit. 

We need to create a cultural shift where learning about parenting is seen as a welcomed rite of passage for all parents as their children grow up.

3 - Urgent reform of the Education Health and Care Plan process and provision within mainstream schools.

The places where we work are no exception to the national trend of increasing numbers of children on education health and care plans. Families are waiting too long for assessment and support; the system cannot cope and must change.

4 - We need political leadership to ensure an end to domestic abuse.

We recognise that identifying and responding to situations of domestic abuse are crucial wherever we deliver services, but we can only make a real difference if everyone working with families is equally vigilant.

An advertising board with a message from Spurgeons

Progressing Family Hubs

Spurgeons delivers Family Hubs across England. They're welcoming places where all families can get the right help when they need it. Because Family Hubs are the nerve centre of local support, families can find out about all kinds of activities and services in their community. Through practitioners and services working together better, families can overcome difficulties, build resilience and flourish. 

Three years into the Government's Family Hubs Start for Life programme, the benefits are beginning to emerge but the funding is about to end. We are campaigning for the future of Family Hubs and need the following commitments. 

Every MP must put their constituents first so please write to your MP asking them to stand up for children and families facing disadvantage in the area where you live. Better policy and funding can make all the difference.

5 - All upper tier local authorities can create local family hub networks. 

Recent investment in family hubs, (which build on the legacy of Sure Start children’s centres), must continue so that families get help. All families must be able to access resources and support when challenges arise.

6 - Support is offered to families with children aged 0-19 years (and to 25 for children with SEND).

Family problems can occur at any time through the course of childhood (not just when children are 0-5). The right help at the right time can prevent negative impacts on children.

7 - Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations are actively encouraged and equipped to deliver family hubs.

These family hubs, trusted by local communities will sustainably support disadvantaged families. Whether directly commissioned or welcomed into the local family hub network these hubs will reach further into areas where public sector providers struggle.

8 - Investment in local authority digital transformation at pace.  

Digital delivery is vital in helping all children get the best start for life. Digital increases efficiency, cost effectiveness and capacity. Whether infant feeding videos, enquiry handling or booking services, digital is fundamental.

APPG on Family Hubs

Advocacy news 

Spurgeons co-hosts national Family Hubs Conference
Spurgeons co-hosts national Family Hubs Conference
Spurgeons sponsors Conservative party prayer breakfast
CEO Ian Soars speaks at prayer breakfast
Spurgeons sponsors Conservative party prayer breakfast
Spurgeons calls on Government to urgently address disparity in mental health funding
Child sat down on a field upset
Spurgeons calls on Government to urgently address disparity in mental health funding
  • 98%
    98% of service users in 2022-23 would recommend us to friends and families
  • 95%
    More than 95% of families accessing our services tell us that things have improved from working with us
  • 97%
    97% of families make progress across their lives when working alongside us and 63% of families have improved well-being
  • 70%
    Parents report that their emotional health and parenting confidence increase by over 70%
  • 64%
    64% of children and young people receiving counselling experience a meaningful positive change