Useful links - prison services
Useful links
Discover helpful support services and resources for families affected by imprisonment and professionals working with offenders' children and their families

Useful information for families
0808 808 2003
The National Prisoners' Families Helpline can support you if a family member is in contact with the criminal justice system.
The helpline is free and open 9am - 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am - 3pm Saturday and Sunday.
Visits can be booked online up to 28 days before the visit.
The website also includes useful information on visiting, staying in touch and sending money into the prison.
The Help With Prison Visits scheme (HWPV) provides a contribution towards prison visit costs for close relatives, partners or sole visitors.
or write to:
Help With Prison Visits
Family Services
PO Box 17594
B2 2QP
0300 370 6550
The quickest way to stay in touch between visits is to use the Email a Prisoner service. You will need your loved ones prisoner number.
Please allow 72 hours for this to be set up.
Information on support available after leaving prison and applying for parole.
This series of short videos has been developed in partnership with prisoners and their families. It explores the different aspects of prison life and the support your loved one can access during their time in custody.
Useful information for professionals
The National information centre on children of offenders (NICCO) supports all professionals working with offenders' children and their families.
Further support from the Spurgeons prisons team:
HMP Winchester
Family days
Top tips for families
Storybook Dads
Behind the Walls / Beyond the Gates
Boys2Men Programme