Our values
Our values
Together, we create family hubs where we're needed most, with counselling, early years and family support.

Our three values are the essence of who we are and how we work.
We want them to be how children, young people and families describe us; and for our partners, commissioners and funders to say that's why they work with us.
But what do those values mean in our day-to-day work as a children's charity? And how can we make sure they consistently shape and inform our work and decisions - for all colleagues and volunteers, no matter what roles, tasks and responsibilities each of us have?
Our six behaviours
All colleagues and trustees were invited to participate in a series of discussions, workshops and conversations to explore how we put our values into practice. Six important behaviours were agreed upon as a result:
- Put children and young people first in everything
- Respect and value every individual
- Listen to understand, without judging
- Be open and honest, with kindness
- Persevere to be our absolute best and do what we say we will do
- Bring out the best in each other as we work together for the right result
They build on the best of what's already happening in our organisation to create a distinctive culture colleagues want to be part of. They also challenge us to hold each other to account, to better serve children and families.
We live by our values
I think having clear values and vision sets Spurgeons apart as an employer and these values are not just written down but we are all challenged to apply these values in our daily activities so that they are lived values.

Inspired by our faith
Our values and behaviours are universal for all people of all faiths or none. As a Christian charity since 1867, we are inspired by our faith and find expression in Jesus' life and teaching of God's love.
''the meat of God's Law, things like fairness & compassion & commitment - the absolute basics!" Matthew 23:23
''Love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.'' Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27