How to improve your self-esteem

Feeling like your self-esteem is a little low? Thankfully, there are easy ways to boost your confidence and feel better about yourself. Find out how to improve self-esteem and feel more positive below:
How to build self-esteem
Sometimes when your self-esteem is low it might be tempting to think that changing things about yourself might improve how you feel. However, try looking to self-compassion instead.
Self-compassion is a powerful tool that you can use to be kinder to yourself and let go of negative self-beliefs. To start using it, firstly aim to be gentler and softer to yourself. Instead of beating yourself up, remember that you are human and we are all imperfect and make mistakes. Aim to change your inner self-talk to a kinder voice and let things go.
Treat yourself as you'd treat others- would you think of them so harshly, or be so judgemental? Give yourself the same grace and love that you'd give others.
Create a notebook and note positive things about yourself
This practice helps to build self-esteem via the practice of repeatedly thinking of the good things about yourself. If your self-esteem is low this might seem impossible at first, but start by thinking about what you're good at and start there. Note every little thing down- consider whether you're a good friend, kind, loving to your family, a good cook, great at crafts, a dedicated parent, funny- everything!
Aim to do this once a day in order to build a healthy practice of thinking better about yourself.
Make time for yourself
Give yourself time to relax and enjoy life. A little self-care goes a long way to build self-esteem. It needn't be expensive, either. Try lazing in a hot bath, giving yourself a manicure, make your favourite dinner or go for a walk in the sunshine. The key is to do what makes you feel good!
Try new things
Have a go at new things- try a new type of exercise, painting, baking, an adult education class- anything you fancy. Trying new things builds confidence, and when you find new activities you like you can build them in to your daily life. Finding new things to enjoy helps build a strong sense of 'self' and boosts your self-esteem.
Get outdoors
Getting fresh air every day- even if only for 30 minutes- helps boost the feelgood chemicals in your brain. You needn't take on a sweaty activity if that's not for you- try going for walks in pretty local scenery, or a gentle bike ride.

Prioritise sleep and rest
Make sure you're heading to bed at a decent time in order to get a full night's sleep and try a soothing activity before bed- maybe reading a few pages of a novel or do a deep-breathing exercise.
Likewise, recognise when your body and mind feel tired and need to relax. Let yourself rest and relax when you need to- this is your body's way of recharging your batteries.
Create healthy boundaries
If the demands of your life are running you down, take a step back and respect your needs. Making boundaries helps build your self-esteem. Don't be afraid to turn down requests of your time and attention that feel too much or impinge on your ability to take care of yourself.
Think about what makes you happy and do more of it!
Make a list of every little thing that makes you happy- even seemingly little things like being by the sea, enjoying the sun, or seeing flowers. Take a look at your list and build more of what makes you happy in to your life on a regular basis. Looking after your needs in this way helps build your sense of self and your self-esteem.
Furthermore, if you have a passion or hobby that you've always wanted to try, do it! Life is too short to hold back, and pursuing your goals and dreams makes you feel good.