Fegans Old Boy: Oliver J W

My full name is Oliver J W, although since my WWII years in the Royal Navy, I have been called 'Shiner'. My Fegans family will remember as Olly W. I was born on March 3rd, 1924 in Ellesmere Port, on the Wirral.
I was the fourth of five children, and sadly my mother passed away during childbirth just before my second birthday. Apparently, my father was not the slightest bit interested in trying to look after his young family; James, Margaret, Catherine, Oliver and Thomas, so along with my father, we entered the Wirral Workhouse during 1926.

Eventually Cheshire Social Services took care of three of us children. My brother James, sister Margaret and I, were put into a Children's Home on Esplanade at HoyLake (right opposite the beach, what could be more exciting for us?) My baby brother went to live with my mother's sister, Aunt Kate and Catherine, my youngest sister was taken in by two maiden aunts. She frequently ran away to the care of another family who ran a local shop. I believe her childhood was very sad.
When we were old enough we went to the local primary school in Hoylake. My sister Margaret continued to live at the home, until she joined the WRAF during the war. James moved away to Stratford when I was seven.
In 1935, Cheshire Social Services approached Mr Fegan's Homes to see if they would "take this boy!" Thankfully for me, they did and I was packed off to Stony Stratford mid way through 1935. My brother James moved on at that point, to the Training Farm at Goudhurst.
I remember being slightly bewildered. The place was huge, and nothing like the modest house I had lived in before. There were so many of us too! I was a slight child, rather small for my age apparently, but so my records show, I was well behaved and tried hard. I do however remember fondly the friendship between us boys. That friendship and humour remains today when we are lucky enough to meet up and spend time together. Sadly this is not a simple exercise now, given we all in our 90s!
Having lived in another children's home with girls and boy, remember missing the companionship of girls when I went to Fegans. I also recall most of the staff being male, there were women that worked in the Laundry and Kitchen, but that was about it.
I did become great friends with Wally B. We lost touch from the late 1940s until my daughter contacted Fegans and I noticed an article in a magazine, written by my old mate. Within an hour or so, we were chatting on the phone! After roughly 60 years of silence, our telephone experiences are now very frequent.
Food was freshly grown in the garden and prepared in our kitchen. There tended to be the same meal on a weekly basis, so we would know each day, what to expect. We didn't go hungry, but fundraising to keep us boys fed and clothed, was a constant job for staff and supporters. I'm sure eggs were used in baking and puddings, but we didn't have boiled eggs much. In fact we had a boiled egg just once a year, on Easter Sunday. Few of us lads enjoyed one of the regular puddings we were served - Sago Pudding... we used to call it 'Snotty Ocean.' If anyone reading this doesn't know what Sago Pudding looks like, my daughter suggests you Google it!
I enjoyed sport at school. We played tennis, throwing the against the chapel wall and catching it on its return and I loved using the roller skates. 'Chariots' was another favourite. I'm sure this was a Fegans special! I'm not sure how the chapel windows never got damaged, but maybe they did. I loved using the swimming pool and took part in Football matches. The referee N B, asked me one day how old I was during a match. I replied "eleven Sir". Further investigation by the staff revealed my age as 12, I was playing over-age and was asked to leave the game. Interestingly, I thought my birthday was January 20th and at some time whilst at Fegans, I learned it was the 3rd of March!
I remember Mr C, a Scottish teacher. Anyone that upset him would be 'bashed' on the back of the leg with the bristles of a brush until their skin was blue, or it bled. Luckily, I didn't ever have to suffer this punishment. N B, the Head at Stony Stratford was a formidable man. I also remember the Cook at Goudhurst sending a message back to the masters about me, saying I was kind to the cats.
We used to go out, large numbers of us, for walks. Can you imagine boys of eleven years and older holding hands whilst they walked? Hmm, I'm sure they wouldn't nowadays, but we did!
Mr Fegan had set up facilities for boys in Canada and I remember every now and again, a group would be packed off to start a new life there. I was on the list to go, but, I was unwell and not fit for the voyage. I'm so glad I stayed and subsequently met my lovely wife and went on to produce my wonderful daughter. They have always meant the world to me and always will.
Daily 'chores' at Stony were normal. We all had jobs, cleaning floors being one. However, mine was cleaning the boys' boots. How many pairs? About two hundred I think. This wasn't once a week, or twice a week, it was every day. I don't recall getting into much mischief; I must have been a good boy because I do remember being a Head Table boy at meal times. I'm not sure which master it was, but some lad clouted me across the face when I was a Table Boy. I was left with a very bruised face. A while later, I was stood out in front of the whole school, with said boy, and was asked to treat him as he had treated me. I found this very difficult, but did slap him around the face! For good measure the master told me to slap his other cheek too! I guess this was the tough love so many of today's youngsters need?
The Fegans records I have read, describe me as not over bright, but I was a plodder. I was a keen member of the mouthorgan band and I also remember trying to join the choir, but told I sang in my boots, so that was out! The choir used to go out quite frequently to perform at local venues. These concerts raised the profile of the home, but more so, were used to raise money to look after us young lads. It must have been a costly exercise to take care of so many growing young men. I recall when we were dressed in our 'Sunday Best' everything was identical, right down to the handkerchief in our jacket pockets.
I was at Stony Stratford from 1934 - 1939 and then spent a couple of years at Goudhurst on the training farm, eventually being given work with local Farmer Mr B. I was put out with the K family, and their children, Bill and Vivian, who treated me like an older brother. When I married, Bill was my best man and although neither are still with us, I am still in touch with Bill's wife and son, and my daughter keeps in contact with Vivian's two children. When Mr B came to collect me from the training farm, he was driving a Rolls Royce, oh my goodness, did I feel lucky?
The Training Farm at Goudhurst
It was lovely living with the K's. I felt for the first time in my life that I was experiencing living in a real family. I remember us all living in the small cottage, and I shared a room with two elderly gentleman who were also farm hands, they got up at 4am every morning!
I felt a compulsion to joint he war effort. I applied to join the Navy when I was seventeen, but I was told I wasn't old enough. I refused the offer of the Royal Marines and went back once I was eighteen to live my dream. (I worked on the land so I didn't have to join the War Effort...) I attended RN training in Malvern and my first Naval experience was on a Destroyer in the North Atlantic, supporting the Convoys. In March 1943, I went aboard another Destroyer, H.M.S Rocket just as she was commissioned. I remained on the vessel until the end of the war, fighting the German Navy in the English Channel, crossing the Mediterranean, traversing the Suez Canal and spent the remaining years in the Far East. I'm immensely proud of the medals I gained.
When I was demobbed, I met up again with Wally B, my best buddy at Stony and Goudhurst. We had both joined the Navy at Chatham. We were out in Maidstone one evening; I think we had cycled there. We were in a pub on the High Street when I met a lovely young lady called Florrie. To cut a long story short, we were married in August 1946 at All Saints' Church in Maidstone. As this is being written, we will have been married for seventy years on 31st August this year... (2016) - I can't wait to celebrate this amazing milestone.

It was time to look for a real job! I went back to Hong Kong for two and a half years to help the Nacy close down the shore base H.M.S Tamar (there was a financial incentive to do this!) It was so called 'Peace Time' but I was involved in the Yangtze incident which wasn't pleasant. My new wife wasn't too enamoured by my long time away, but I returned, and both of us had saved enough money to buy ourselves our first house in Maidstone, Kent.
After a few jobs here and there, I found work at A.E. Reed, Paper Mill in Tovil, Maidstone, as an electrician's assistant. I loved this job and its diversity and stayed there until the early 1980s when I took voluntary redundancy.
My only daughter, Jacqueline, had graduated as a music teacher (yes, and she has trained award winning choirs, despite her father's signing ability!) and was working near Bristol. Florrie and I decided to move from Maidstone which had been our home for many decades, and start a new life near our daughter. We moved to Clevedon (on the Bristol Channel) 35 years ago, and within a few years we became grandparents to Michael and Jonathan. We are now great grandparents to Enya who lives in Derbyshire, so we see her infrequently and Robin who lives a few minutes away.

I would like to say a public thank you to those at Fegans who cared for me in such a wonderful way. I was taught to be strong, respectful, hard working, caring and loving and how to use my sense of humour.
Oliver J W (Shiner) (July, 2016)
We are proud to have worked with children and families for more than 150 years.
In both our Spurgeons and our Fegans children's homes we were able to give amazing opportunities to children in their time of greatest need. We were proud to be there for them when their families couldn't be.
These stories are part of our historical record, and we acknowledge that some of the approaches of the time to disciplining the children which features in these stories, whilst common practice at this time, are no longer acceptable. However, after careful consideration, we feel it is both honouring and transparent to include all the boys' experiences in the stories they have chosen to share with us.
If you have been impacted by the content in these stories, or you just have questions about your or a close family member's time in our homes please do be in touch with our supporter care team.