Remembering Old Scholar Martin Lambie-Nairn

A parent and child holding hands whilst walking down a country lane

We were sad to learn of the passing of Martin Lambie-Nairn, a former Old Scholar, in December 2020, at the age of 75.

Martin became a talented brand and graphic designer and was responsible, among other things, for designing the iconic Channel 4 logo. He is also credited with the original idea for Spitting Image and for helping charities with their branding free of charge.

Two of Martin’s compatriots at Birchington – Colin Shew and Martin Farley (formerly Martin Harries) – shared their memories of him. Colin says, “Martin (we just knew him as Lambie) was one of the oldest in Charlesworth and was very very friendly to us new boys.

He seemed so grown up to us but was early teens maybe. His artistic talent was obvious, and he won a national competition whilst in the Homes.


Martin Farley recalls, “I can remember Martin arriving at Spurgeons in about 1952. He was a small, dark-haired boy, not as tall as the other lads. His mother was quite tall, dark-haired and very stylish. She came to visit Martin regularly and I particularly remember her voice… She was always full of fun, and would always ask Martin, ‘What shall we do? Where shall we go?’

“Martin came up with suggestions to which his mother would always say, ‘A good idea, son.’ “I was lucky to have known Martin’s mother as each time she came to Birchington she brought her friend Mrs Brock and took me out in her car. Mrs Brock befriended me and each month she sent me a 2/- postal order.

She also bought me birthday presents, took me to the pantomime on ice and took me on holiday to her house. She was married and had one son called David who was in the RAF


Martin Farley

Spurgeons Old Scholars

Old Scholars are those supporters who spent some of their childhood living at Spurgeons Children’s Homes in Birchington and Reigate.

We encourage alumni to keep in touch with us and share their memories.

To read more about our heritage and Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

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