Buttons preschools

Our family of Buttons Preschools have the primary purpose of nurturing and caring for every child while providing excellent and effective early years, preschool education.

Our Buttons preschools provide a friendly, caring and stimulating environment for your child to grow. 

Our staff are trained and dedicated to the highest standard of care and education. 

The two Buttons preschools in Kent are owned and run by Spurgeons. We provide a friendly, caring and stimulating preschool education environment for your child to grow. Our early years staff are trained and dedicated to the highest standard of care and early years education. 

  • Children engaged in sensory play at nursery in Kent.
  • Children involved in outdoor play matching colours
  • A group of children engaged in a gardening activity
  • Children painting a small house during an activity at Buttons nursery.
  • Children engaged in a play activity at preschools in Kent.
  • A child wearing a union jack dress and smiling at a buttons nursery coronation picnic.
  • A child wearing a crown and smiling at the camera during a coronation picnic at preschool in Kent.
  • Children sitting around a table at a coronation picnic occurring at buttons preschools in Kent.
  • Two young boys smiling at the camera.
  • Group photo of children playing outdoors.
  • Two children playing with a ball as part of an outdoor activity.

We provide friendly, caring and stimulating nursery education in our preschools in Kent:

All Districts
  • Maidstone

    Buttons ABC Preschool Maidstone

    Archbishop Courtenay School,
    Eccleston Rd
    ME15 6QN

    01622 754666 (EXT 2)
  • Ramsgate

    Buttons Preschool Ramsgate

    The Corner,
    Whitehall Rd,
    CT12 6DF

    01843 597777