Make a referral
Referrals for Elmbridge Family Centres
For Elmbridge families requiring one-to-one support, a referral would need to be made through Children's Services.
Wiltshire families
If you are a family living in Wiltshire and need support click here
Professionals working in Wiltshire
If you are a professional seeking supporting for a family living in Wiltshire please click here
Referrals for families in Birmingham
If you are a family in Birmingham looking for support, please click here.
Referrals for Kent and Sussex
If you are looking for counselling or family support services in Kent and Sussex please click here.
For referrals outside of these areas
Looking to make a referral outside of Elmbridge, Wiltshire or Birmingham? Please use this option.
Click here if you are looking to make a referral to Birmingham Young Carers.
Make a referral
*For Elmbridge families requiring one-to-one support, a referral would need to be made through Children's Services. If the referral meets the requirements we will make direct contact with you.
If you would like to have a call with us to discuss your family's needs, please use our booking form.

A massive support when feeling overwhelmed by behaviours and situations. Just being able to talk about it without feeling judged, and being given tools in how to deal with it all has been fantastic!