How we help
How we help

How we help - Family support services

Spurgeons transforms the nation, one child at a time by ensuring every family has the support needed to flourish. We provide a range of services to support families, children and young people, through partnering with local councils, churches and communities and creating family hubs.

Spurgeons delivers a range of support services for families children and young people through our children's centres, family hubs, counselling and prison outreach projects.

Select a pathway to find out more about our work and the Spurgeons  family services available in your area: 

Family Life

Explore our family services designed to support you in all aspects of family life

Family Life

Supporting children with additional needs

Explore information and guidance on supporting children with additional needs

Children with additional needs

Mental health

Explore our mental health support

Mental health

Support for domestic abuse

Explore information and guidance on how to get support for domestic abuse

Domestic abuse

Find family support services in your area

In the year 2022 - 2023, Spurgeons ran projects for families which were delivered in 22 Local Authority areas across England. 


This enabled us to help 30,500 families, children, young people and adults throughout the year, with 98% of our family service users saying they would recommend us to friends and family.  

Of these, we worked intensively with 9,260 families, adults and children to directly help them overcome the challenges they faced. Learn more about the impact that our work has had on families, children and young people.

You gave us all a spotlight to talk and were so good at talking to each of us

Projects and interventions

Explore our projects and interventions for young people across a range of communities.

Illustration of spurgeons courses and resources

Digital Family Hub

Need support now? Explore our digital family hub, which is a growing space filled with resources to support your parenting journey. 

Helpful links:

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