Healthy relationships wheel
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Healthy relationships wheel

Juggling your relationship with the demands of everyday life can be difficult. The pressure of kids, work and money can all play a part in creating a disconnect between you. Relationships change and evolve over time- sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

The healthy relationship wheel below is a tool you can use to recognise when your relationship is not safe or whether you are experiencing abusive behaviour.

It can also help you to identify what elements are going well and which parts of your relationship could be better. 

To use the wheel, hover over the various areas to view further details. Then, click the area if you feel that part of your relationship is healthy. If you feel an area of the wheel shows a part of your relationship that feels unsafe or unhealthy, click it twice.

Based on the Equality Wheel of the Duluth Model (1984).

Relationship wheel An interactive relationship wheel with 8 sectors representing different aspects of a relationship. Open communication Intimacy Physical affection Fairness & negotiation Shared responsibility Respect Trust & support Honesty & responsibility

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If you have double clicked areas on the wheel you can find out about healthy relationships by clicking below. Alternatively, if you have any concerns about domestic abuse, please click on the link to access information below.

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What does a healthy relationship look like?

What does a healthy relationship look like?