Anorexia nervosa 

Those experiencing anorexia nervosa aim to restrict their food intake to lose weight. A person with anorexia has an intense fear of weight gain. 

Definition and signs of anorexia nervosa, and how you can obtain support for yourself or someone you know. 

What is anorexia?

Anorexia is a mental health problem and eating disorder that causes it's sufferers to aim for the lowest body weight possible. It is a serious and dangerous illness- people with anorexia can begin to starve.

Sufferers will usually have a distorted view of how they look and believe they are too heavy, even if they are very thin. 

Signs of anorexia

Signs and symptoms of anorexia can include:

  • avoiding eating or not eating much
  • thinking about food a lot 
  • avoiding certain foods
  • believing you are overweight even if you aren't
  • hair loss
  • feeling dizzy/ light headed
  • dry skin
  • excessive exercising
  • making yourself vomit
  • using laxatives
  • your periods may stop.

If you recognise traits of anorexia in yourself or someone you know, you can get help and support. 

Explore our list of organisations you can contact to get the help and support you need, or find out more information on how to support or help someone.