Watch our webinar recording now: parent support for A-level and GCSE results day 2024
Concerned about your child's exam results? Worried about their stress levels? Wondering what will happen if they don't pass?

Our free webinar, hosted by our Parenting Lead and Counselling Manager, will give you the advice and tools you need to support your child no matter the outcome on results day.
Available now! Find a complete recording of the webinar and all the tips and advice from our speakers below:

What is in the webinar?
Our experts Nicola and Nadine will guide you through the knowledge and strategies you need to help your child cope with their A-level and GCSE results, including:
- strategies to support your child
- supporting your teen in a crisis
- understanding fight or flight
- managing emotions
- coping with disappointment
- working with your child to move forward.
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About Nadine
Hi, I'm Nadine, one of the counselling managers at Spurgeons supporting with the webinar. I have a diploma in children's counselling, a first class honours degree in integrative counselling, an MA in early years and childhood studies and I am currently doing a PhD studying autism and trauma at Kings College London.
I have worked as a children's counsellor in primary schools, secondary schools and a women's refuge and now work with Spurgeons. I work in an integrative way to ensure all children get the counselling that is right for them. This included exposure therapy for children that struggle to attend school and sensory profiling for neurodiverse children.
I am passionate in my work as a children's counsellor and strive to work in the best way for each child.

About Nicola
Parenting Lead - West Kent
Nicola Baldwin has 4 children, and 8 grandchildren - some of whom are on the Autism spectrum and/or have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Nicola has worked with parents for the last 8 years one-to-one and in groups and is licensed to deliver the National Autisic Society Early Bird, Early Bird Plus and Teen Life courses.
Nicola is Spurgeons' Family Support Team Trainer and Engagement Lead.
Every week Nicola supports up to 20 parents, working through the unique challenges of family life. Nicola is experience in helping with a variety of parenting issues including school refusal, anxiety, parental burnout, parenting children with additional needs, trauma experienced children, bereavement, and behavioural challenges.
When is GCSE results day 2024?
GCSE results day is Thursday 22nd August 2024. Students may receive their results via post, digitally or in person- check with your child's school.
When is A-level results day 2024?
A-level results will be given out to students on Thursday 15th August 2024. Results should be collectable from 8am- find out from your child's school about arrangements for the day.