Annual reports and policies
Annual reports and policies
Find out about how we use our resources and read about our successes in our Annual Reports and Accounts

Annual reports and accounts
We take our responsibilities, objectives and ambitions very seriously, so that we can provide the best service possible to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and their families. It is vital we are open and transparent about how we plan, use and spend our resources.
Our annual reports and accounts feature highlights from our services and also some of the individuals who we have helped, as well as detailing the financial breakdown of our income growth and explaining how we have met our targets.
Download and read our past Annual Reports and statement of accounts to learn more about how we have supported children, young people, and their families.
Annual Report 2024
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Report and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Accounts and Reports
Statutory Accounts and Reports
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Statutory Reports and Accounts
Policies and procedures
Remuneration policy
Remuneration policy
Spurgeons is committed to a Remuneration policy which offers fair pay to attract and keep appropriately qualified staff to lead, manage, support and deliver services in line with the charity’s vision and mission, consistent with Spurgeons’ statement of faith.
Download our remuneration policy.
Gender pay gap
Spurgeons Gender Pay Gap 2023 Report
Spurgeons Gender Pay Gap 2022 Report
In 2017 the Government introduced a requirement that every organisation employing 250+ people must report a set of key data around gender and pay.
The calculation is based on a snapshot taken of the organisation, in the case of charities this is 5 April each year. The results presented use the Government prescribed methodology and as a result could be misunderstood. Therefore, this report highlights some aspects of Spurgeons and the methodology used that should be taken into consideration when reading the results we are asked to report.
Spurgeons has a clear pay and remuneration policy that seeks to live out our values of compassion, inclusiveness and hope, recognising our staff as central to us living out our mission and realising our vision.
Download the Gender Pay Gap Report
Spurgeons Gender Pay Gap 2020 & 2021 Report
In 2017 the Government introduced a requirement that every organisation employing 250+ people must report a set of key data around gender and pay.
The calculation is based on a snapshot taken of the organisation, in the case of charities this is 5 April each year. The results presented use the Government prescribed methodology and as a result could be misunderstood. Therefore, this report highlights some aspects of Spurgeons and the methodology used that should be taken into consideration when reading the results we are asked to report.
Spurgeons has a clear pay and remuneration policy that seeks to live out our values of compassion, inclusiveness and hope, recognising our staff as central to us living out our mission and realising our vision.
Download the Gender Pay Gap Report
Spurgeons Gender Pay Gap 5 April 2019 Report
In 2017 the Government introduced a requirement that every organisation employing 250+ people must report a set of key data around gender and pay.
The calculation is based on a snapshot taken of the organisation, in the case of charities this is 5 April each year. The results presented use the Government prescribed methodology and as a result could be misunderstood. Therefore, this report highlights some aspects of Spurgeons and the methodology used that should be taken into consideration when reading the results we are asked to report.
Spurgeons has a clear pay and remuneration policy that seeks to live out our values of compassion, inclusiveness and hope, recognising our staff as central to us living out our mission and realising our vision.
Download the Gender Pay Gap Report
Donations policy
Making a donation
Making a donation could not be easier. Just select the donate button from the top menu navigation and enter the amount you wish to donate, click on "Donate now" button and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to process your donation.
We accept credit and debit card payments from Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Switch. All payments are processed by our secure payment hosts directly and we do not receive or store any credit card details.
Alternatively you can make a donation by calling our Customer Care Team on 44 (0)1933 417059 during UK office hours.
Credit & debit card security
All online credit/debit card transactions are processed using secure encryption by a third party handling agent which has been approved by our bank, Barclays. We do not receive or store any credit card details from these transactions.
All credit/debit card details which are received to complete a telephone donation are destroyed as soon as the transaction has cleared.
If you have made a donation or payment in error please contact our Customer Care Team or call 01933 412412 and we will be happy to refund this for you.
Country of Merchant Domicile
The Country of Merchant Domicile is the UK.
All transactions are denominated in UK Sterling.
Registered details
74 Wellingborough Road
NN10 9TY
Registered charity number
Company Limited by Guarantee in England Number
Our fundraising promise
We are so grateful to our supporters who help us to see all children and young people equipped, empowered and inspired in ways that enable them to realise the fullness of their potential.
It is our commitment to you that we have in place our Fundraising Promise
Our Fundraising Promise
As members of the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) which is a self-regulatory scheme, we are fully committed to ensuring our fundraising is legal, honest, open, transparent and accountable.
We are proud to display the FRSB tick on our website which is given to member charities to show that our fundraising is regulated so that donors can give with confidence.
We are committed to high standards
We do all we can to ensure that fundraisers and volunteers working with us to raise funds, comply with the Code and with this Promise
We comply with the law including those that apply to data protection, health and safety and the environment
We are honest and open
We tell the truth and do not exaggerate
We do what we say we are going to do
We answer all reasonable questions about our fundraising activities and costs
We are clear
We are clear about who we are, what we do and how your gift is used
Where we have a promotional agreement with a commercial company, we make clear how much of the purchase price we receive
We give a clear explanation of how you can make a gift and amend a regular commitment
We are respectful
We respect the rights, dignities and privacy of our supporters and beneficiaries
We will not put undue pressure on you to make a gift and if you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision
If you tell us that you don’t want us to contact you in a particular way we will not do so
We are fair and reasonable
We take care not to use any images or words that cause unjustifiable distress or offence
We take care not to cause unreasonable nuisance or disruption
We are accountable
If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done whilst fundraising, you can contact us to make a complaint.
We have a complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on the website or available on request.
If we cannot resolve your complaint, we accept the authority of the Fundraising Standards Board to make a final adjudication.
Gift aid
What happens when you gift aid?
Checking the gift aid box as you donate boosts your donation by 25p for every £1 you give. Gift Aid is reclaimed by Spurgeons from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. This means that £100 can be turned into £125 just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid.
When you check the gift aid box we update your information automatically to ensure that future gifts are gift aided too.
You are eligible to check the gift aid box if you are a UK taxpayer but please be aware that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on donations made in a tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
If you pay Income Tax at a higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Investment policy
Read report
The Charity will invest to the benefit of its Charitable Objectives which are carried out in the context of the Charity’s Christian Foundation and history and are for the public benefit, which is to advance in life and help children and young people, their families and carers who are in need of care and protection, in particular but not exclusively, by the provision of education, support services, social care, maintenance, vocational training and financial assistance. Download our Investment Policy (2022).
Carbon reporting
Read report
Consistent with our desire to comply with legislation and to be faithful to our Christian ethos we are committed to being as energy efficient as possible and minimising our impact on the environment. This commitment is realised through our day-to-day choices in how we choose to run our services, from installing low energy lighting to using fair trade products. We have been able to collect information on the use of electricity and, where applicable, gas for 11 sites. These sites include 9 Children’s Centres, one Young Carer Services and our head office in Rushden.
Across these sites a total of 418259 kWh (418.259MWh) of energy was used between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022, this has increased since the previous yearyear due to COVID-19 restrictions uplifting and sites being back to frequent use. This can be broken down between electricity usage of 228382 kWh (228.382 MWh) across the 11 sites, and 189877 kWh (189.877 MWh) of gas across 9 sites. Perhaps inevitably it is large Children Centres open every day with high footfall that consume the most energy. Our Head Office is a relatively modest user of energy, with the 17,330Wh of electricity and 3766 kWh of gas being above the average electricity consumption of the Children’s Centres but below the average in relation to gas consumption. The average electricity consumption for the Children's Centres is 17,354 kWh and in relation to gas is 18,611 kWh.
We are not able to report on energy use in 31 sites. Of these 31 sites eight are Children Centres, there are four Family Centres, a Young Carers office and a specialist service office in Norwich where the landlord has not made this information available (for example, this may be because the Centre is co-located on a school site where the school is the landlord). 13 sites are prison services where utilities are provided by the prison and we are not given the relevant information. The remaining sites includes our Head Office archive and storage facility where the utilities are included in the rent and 3 new sites of which we do not have figures for at this time.

General data protection regulation policy
The United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR) purpose is to protect the “rights and freedoms” of natural persons (i.e. living individuals) and to ensure that personal data is not processed without their knowledge, and, wherever possible, that it is processed with their consent.
Spurgeons Board of Directors and management are committed to compliance with all relevant UK law in respect of personal data, and the protection of the “rights and freedoms” of individuals whose information Spurgeons collects and processes in accordance with the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR).

Equality and diversity policy
As a Christian children’s charity Spurgeons is fully committed to protecting its workforce and those we work with from discrimination, harm or persecution. We actively seek to promote respect for every individual, celebrate the diversity of our society and organisation, and place inclusion at the heart of who we are and how we work. You can view our Equality and Diversity Policy below.

Complaints policy
Spurgeons is committed to providing the best possible services for children, young people, families and the community. We want to listen to your concerns or complaint and will work with you to try to make things better. Your views are very important to us and help us to continually improve our service provision. How to make a complaint:
To begin with we suggest you talk over any concerns or complaints with a member of staff at the service. Problems can often be sorted out quickly by letting staff know how you feel. If you are still not happy, please call 01933 412412. You can view our Complaints Policy and Procedure below.

Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding children, young people and adults.
Our mission is to provide support for children, young people, adults who are vulnerable and families who are experiencing difficulties or challenges so that they can have a better present and a hopeful future.
To make that a reality, remaining child-centred and ensuring those we work with and encounter are safeguarded and their welfare promoted is the #1 priority for the entire workforce.
You can view our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures below.