Support us
Support us
Donate money today to help us transform the nation one child at a time. Your gift whether a single donation or a regular monthly donation supports us to plan for family’s futures.

Over 400,000 children in the UK are in need, at best these children will be held back in life: at worst, they will go on to need urgent care.
We believe that children and young people deserve a better start in life.
Spurgeons works in 21 Children Centres and Family Hubs delivered in partnership with local authorities and we’ve also established three Family Hubs which we are delivering in partnership with churches. There are many more children and families who need our help, your donations will help us reach them.

Make a donation
With families and the determination of supporters like you we can make sure more children fulfil their potential even when life is at its most challenging.
What can you give today?
£24 can help provide resources for counselling sessions to help children talk and open up about what they’re going through.
£53 could help provide fully funded counselling for children from families who are struggling with the cost of living to receive help and support more quickly.
£106 can help provide more sessions and safe spaces for children who may otherwise have no one they feel comfortable enough with to talk to a professional.
How your charitable donations could help?
Spurgeons creates family hubs where we’re needed most, providing support with mental health, special educational needs, domestic abuse and all of family life’s challenges. We work through centres, churches, schools and prisons.
When you donate money we can:
- Support vulnerable children to achieve their full potential even when life's challenges become overwhelming
- Empower families with our early years and family support so that every child has a safe environment
- Commit to providing all parents with support and offer qualified counselling to children and teens
- Put children and families first in everything
Our impact
We have helped 30,500 families children, young people and adult this year, learn more about what we do.
Volunteer with us
Our volunteers are very special people who stand shoulder to shoulder with our staff making the difference for families, can you join us?

Make a donation
If you would like to send us a charitable donation please send this to: Spurgeons, 74 Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northants, NN10 9TY, United Kingdom
If you would like to discuss your donation or have questions before you make a donation please call us on 01933 417059
Leave a gift in your will
Church partnerships

Contact us
Want to donate via Bank Transfer?
Spurgeons Bank Details