11+ Half term activity ideas

Looking for free and low cost half term activities?
Another half term is upon us, and it can be an expensive time but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some ideas for fun yet cheap half term activities:
Outdoor adventure
If you’re looking for half term ideas then this one is a true crowd pleaser! Get the children wrapped up, pack a bag with water and snacks, and head out into the world. This could be an adventure to a park you haven’t yet visited, or a trip to the woods. To make it exciting, give the children a matchbox or similar and ask them to collect mini objects from their travels.
Or, you can try a geocaching trip. You can download a geocaching app and find the hidden containers that are all over the country. Make sure you take a pen to write your family’s name on the log inside the container. The app gives you a map to follow and it is a great way to keep children entertained.
Gardening is great for kids; it introduces them to science and nature and helps them understand where food comes from. Just a pot or two of compost is enough to plant some seeds or bulbs in, or you could use a grow-bag with holes cut in to start growing some tomatoes. Encourage them to water their plants and watch them grow.
Crafting activities help children develop their fine motor skills and imagination. They will be happy to use whatever you have in the house- paint, stickers, glue, glitter, old paper plates, crayons etc.
Feed the birds
Get the kids interested in nature by letting them fill bird feeders and hang them in the garden, then watch out for feathered visitors dropping by! Kids can learn about the different bird varieties they see by looking them up.
Boredom jar
Get the children to write fun activities on paper, decorate them and fold them up. Put them in a jar, and whenever ‘I’m bored” is uttered they can be directed straight to it. Be imaginative and creative, and put specific games and challenges for the whole family to enjoy.
Go to the beach
Even if it's windy or chilly, bundle up and enjoy an afternoon by the shore. Kids can enjoy searching for shells, seaweed or fossils, stomping in the damp sand in wellies or running away from the tide.
Cooking and baking is beneficial for kids; not only do they learn valuable life skills but also get to spend quality time with you. Encourage them to follow the recipe, measure the ingredients, and, if you're baking, help decorate the biscuits or cakes you've made.
Make a leaf collage picture
Take the kids to a park, forest or local beauty spot and encourage them to find as many interesting leaves, twigs and materials as possible. Collect them together and when you get home provide them with paper and glue to create a picture using their finds from the park. A number of leaves glued next to each other can create the leaves of a tree in the picture, and twigs can form the trunk. Be sure to let their imaginations run free and put the finished pictures on the fridge for everyone to admire!
Treasure hunt
If you’re stuck for what to do this half term then give a treasure hunt a go. Creating a treasure hunt can be great fun and the more difficult you make it, the longer it takes them! Leave clues hidden indoors and/or outdoors. Each clue should lead them to the next hidden clue. Sometimes pictures work best for younger children and you can create more cryptic written ones for the older kids. This is also great to practice reading in a fun way. The treasure doesn’t need to be anything amazing, maybe just a snack wrapped in silver foil.
Make a den
Make a space in the living room or bedroom and use clothes airers, chairs and blankets to create a fun den. Make it cosy with pillows and blankets and invite the favourite cuddly toys. Kids can have a snack, a story, or even a nap in it!

Download our Boredom buster activity book
Print at home, and suitable for 5-9 year olds. Our boredom buster activity book is filled with activities for kids including: colouring, wordsearches and puzzles designed to defeat boredom.
Visit a museum
Most museums in the UK are free, so take advantage and enjoy the exhibits. Many museums also hold half-term events and activities for kids, which combine learning with fun.
Try a new hobby
Get the kids to try new things- maybe learning a language, knitting, sewing, stamp collecting, crochet, trying a new sport, designing something, or photography. Hobbies and interests are healthy for kids as they help them learn new things, find activities they love and are interested in, and make likeminded friends.
Movie night
A fun movie experience doesn’t have to happen at the cinema. Agree on a favourite film, set a time, get in cosy clothes, shut the curtains and make it as dark as possible. Make your own popcorn for an added cinema feel, and settle down together.
Shop til’ you drop
Making use of local charity shops is a great way to keep the children entertained and excited. Give them a few pounds each, or whatever your budget is (don’t forget yourself too!) and head out in search of a new toy, gift, or a book. Make sure you emphasise the budget as part of the activity to save on pester power, then come home to play with your new treasures! Kids can also take some of their old unwanted items to give to the charity shop at the same time- this is a great way to declutter.
A trip to library is a great way to spend an afternoon, especially if there is an activity on for children. Have the kids pick some books, taking time to browse and enjoy the quiet atmosphere, and come home for some reading on the sofa.
Play dates
Play dates are a great way to keep the kids entertained and avoid complaints about boredom! Make sure there is a trip outside if it’s a longer stay, otherwise too many children bouncing off the walls will not be fun. Make sure there is a tidy play area to begin with, and then just let them get on with it! Play dates have the added bonus of a little headspace for you while the kids are busy with their friends.
Happy half term everyone!
Download our boredom busters activity book
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