Donations for Rushden based food bank supports families over Christmas

Over the Christmas period, Spurgeons Central Office teams would typically be preparing for the annual Christmas party as well as coming together to contribute towards Christmas Hampers for families accessing the local food bank operated from the Park Road Baptist Church in Rushden, which is co-ordinated by Spurgeons Chaplain Peter Eyre.
However, this year in particular colleagues needed to look for new ways to ensure local vulnerable families would receive some added Christmas cheer.
In a year unlike any other, it had been a long time since we had been able to see our colleagues since moving to remote working in March in line with the government guidelines. As December approached colleagues looked for alternative ways they could support the local food bank over this time, particularly with an increased number of families struggling financially due to a loss of income caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
It was thanks to the very generous donations from the local Asda supermarket and The Original Factory Shop, both in Rushden that Spurgeons were able to secure chocolates and toys for the food bank to be given out to families in addition to the Christmas food hampers being provided to those in need.
Spurgeons Chaplain, Peter Eyre who co-ordinates the food bank said:
”The Asda and Factory Shop donations were shared between 20 families with over 50 children between them and were a much-appreciated addition to our Christmas food hampers.”
Many thanks, both to Asda and The Original Factory Shop in Rushden, Northamptonshire for enabling us to spread Christmas cheer to local families in need during these uncertain times.

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