Victoria’s journey through counselling to freedom

13 year old Victoria* had difficulties with a controlling family member and felt like she had lost herself. She was looking in the mirror and not recognising her reflection, and suffering from panic attacks.
Victoria was feeling uncomfortable about the lack of boundaries around the family member and was struggling mentally as a result.
She had been self-harming, and things got so bad that Victoria disclosed to her Spurgeons counsellor that she had been thinking about ending her life.
Amelia, Victoria’s counsellor, worked with Victoria to help her find her voice and express what she wanted- to no longer be around the family member. ‘I focussed on building a strong sense of trust between us,’ explains Amelia.
We gradually worked on Victoria's inner confidence, resilience and self-worth, as we gently unpacked her confusion and worries. I had created a safe, reliable and consistent space for her, where I began to see her slowly grow and blossom.
Amelia helped Victoria build her confidence and recognise her feelings through creative writing exercises. The creative writing helped Victoria to figure out who she was as a person and get to grips with her feelings in order to articulate them. Prior to this Victoria had been experiencing mental health symptoms including disassociation- feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you.
By encouraging her to express herself through creative writing and journalling, Victoria would write down what she would like to say to her family member and what she would like to happen.
She became used to writing down how she felt, with a newfound confidence and strong, inner resilience that had gradually developed within her.
As a result of working through her problems and feelings with Amelia, Victoria’s life and wellbeing has changed.
‘She is so strong now,’ says Amelia. ‘She really feels that she has found her voice- she has been liberated. It’s been a big journey for both Victoria and her mum- Victoria has been so brave.’
Find out how our Spurgeons counselling could change your child’s life.
*Name changed to protect anonymity.
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