Free expert support for families facing separation

Every Monday, we offer a free drop-in service for anyone experiencing family separation or with questions about the process. 

The drop-in is led by experts who can guide parents in understanding their options and adopting best practices to prioritise their children's needs. 

During these sessions you will have the opportunity to:

  • Talk about what's happening in your situation and what matters most to you
  • Discuss your child or young person's well-being and how they're coping
  • Address conflict with the other parent and explore ways to manage it
  • Learn about the legal aspects of family separation and how they apply to you
  • Discover specialist help to create contact arrangements and agree on a parenting plan
  • Find out what services are available for free and the costs of other types of support
  • Learn about support options for children and young people and how their views can be included in decision-making
  • Regain hope and clarity in what can feel like a daunting and overwhelming process.

Where are the drop-in sessions being held? 

girl on a swing

Self-referral form

To self-refer to the Family Solutions, click below to fill out the form. If you have any questions please email