Information for professionals
Information for professionals - Elmbridge Family Centres
Elmbridge Family Centres are commissioned by Surrey County Council to work with allocated families requiring targeted support.
Some courses will be made available to families not requiring targeted 1:1 support.
Referral processes for families
The family centres provide one-to-one family support where family circumstances are having a significant impact on the health, development or wellbeing of the child/ children.
Families and practitioners working with families, for example, GPs, health visitors, schools, early years settings can request family support for families who need targeted help.
If you believe the family you are supporting requires this level of support, please read the following document:
And then make a request for support through Surrey Children's Single Point of Access (CSPA).
Once we receive an allocation from the CSPA, we will then make an initial contact with the family.
The family centre team will support families where it best suits the needs of the family. This could be in families' homes, at local community venues, or in the centre itself. The team will visit families most in need who live anywhere in the Elmbridge borough.
Families living in Surrey can also get access to FREE online guides that include top tips from childcare, education and NHS health experts, through Solihull Approach Parenting.
Making a referral for families requiring early help support and not targeted 1:1 support to attend sessions/courses
The centre offers parenting programmes and group activities covering many themes, for example, strategies to help with family routines or keeping your children safe.
If your referral is solely for the attendance of a client at one of our groups or sessions e.g. Parenting Puzzle, Freedom Programme etc.... Please complete our course interest form linked below.
Interested in one of our courses?
If your referral to the Family Centres is solely for the attendance of a client at one of our groups or sessions e.g. Parenting Puzzle, Freedom Programme etc., to refer a client please complete our course interest form linked below.
Learn more about the support offered at our centres in Elmbridge, Surrey:
Spurgeons Family Centres in Surrey
What to expect
Our programmes
Further resources and useful links