Disordered eating resource
There are practical steps you can take now if you're worried about a child with an eating disorder. Explore our animated resource and handbook and learn how to identify and help someone.

Eating disorders are alarmingly common - there are an estimated 1.2 million people currently living with an eating problem in the UK.
For parents of children with eating problems, it can be an incredibly worrying and difficult time. We hope the following resources will help you to support your child, or others who you care for.

Free disordered eating toolkit
Access our digital disordered eating handbook, and gain access to a range of tips, advice and guidance.
What causes an eating disorder?
Eating disorders aren’t always about not gaining weight, losing weight or body shape. The root cause of an eating problem may be trauma, a perfectionist streak, or life experiences. It isn’t always straightforward to spot why a child is developing an issue with food.
The cause may be a mixture of different circumstances, including anxiety, depression, low self- esteem, social influences, or genetics. It’s thought that eating disorders may be on the rise due to the impact of social media on teenagers and young adults, as they are continually shown images of thin or attractive people, which can lead to a distorted body image.
If you are worried about your child, or believe they are showing concerning symptoms, there are plenty of ways that you can source eating disorder help, and support.
Eating disorder recovery
Recovery from an eating disorder takes time- and that length of time will be different for everyone. Many sufferers will be referred to a specialist team who will oversee their care and recovery.
Treatment will usually involve monitoring weight gain to a healthy level, plus a talking therapy. The team may also need to monitor the patient’s physical health for any medical complications caused by the disorder.

Types of disordered eating:
There are many different types of eating disorders, with a range of symptoms. Click below to explore more about each of them.
Anorexia nervosa
Binge eating
Bulimia nervosa