Counselling at Spurgeons: support for children and parents

Spurgeons offers counselling to adults, children, and we also work in schools.
Our fully qualified counsellors can see patients in community settings, in our centres, or online.
Why seek counselling?
Adults and children seek counselling for a variety of different reasons. It may include everything from experiencing a traumatic event, to struggling with anxiety or family problems. Many young people encounter problems at school, or begin self-harming. Whatever the problem, our counsellors can find the best approach for you and help you work through it.
How does counselling work?
In sessions with children our therapists may use play or art materials to engage with the children on their level and help them express themselves. Through being creative and using toys, therapists can unlock the difficulties facing children and help them feel better.
For adults our counsellors will discuss the problems the adult is experiencing, and work to help them find relief from those difficulties.

How long does Spurgeons work with clients?
On average we see clients for 12 sessions, but the length of the counselling will depend on and be guided by the client’s needs.
Are parents involved in children’s counselling sessions?
The contents of the counselling sessions for children and subject matters discussed are not shared with parents. However, if the therapist learns of an issue in a children’s counselling session that needs to be shared with parents, the therapist may need to break confidentiality.
What is online counselling like?
Our online sessions are conducted via Teams, and take place in the same way that an in-person session would. Resources can be shared with clients on email, and clients receive the same level of support than in-person clients do.
Online therapy can be more convenient for those who do not live near our in-person centres, or have busy lives. Some clients may prefer online counselling also as it enables them to speak to a therapist while in the comfort of their own home.
What is schools counselling?
We provide counselling sessions for children in primary and secondary schools, as well as for school staff. Providing a therapy provision in schools can help alleviate the difficulties in the wellbeing of children and therefore support their learning journeys.
Schools can become over-burdened with difficulties that their pupils are facing. Currently, school refusal levels are at an all-time high, and the long-term effects of the pandemic has led to an upsurge in mental health challenges in children. Enabling young people to talk about their problems and find coping strategies through counselling alleviates their stress levels and helps them to move forward.
When one of our therapists is allotted to a school, the school office is asked for a list of students who may benefit from counselling. The parent’s permission must be gained for each student.
Our school counsellors provide a safe, comfortable space for children of all school ages to work through their problems and feel supported.
What is the cost of Spurgeons counselling?
Our sessions are £53 per person per session (children included). If, however, parents are struggling to meet the cost of their child’s therapy sessions, parents can raise this when contacting us as we have a bursary scheme available.
The cost of schools counselling is also £53 per session.
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