Old Scholars Reunion 2022

“Old Scholars” are those who formerly lived in Spurgeons Children’s Homes.
On 18th June, the day before Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s birthday, we hosted a reunion of around 50 Old Scholars and 8 of their spouses at Kearns Hall, Birchington. Karen Logan from our Donor Care team helped to organise the event.
‘After an opening prayer and welcome from Spurgeons CEO Ian Soars, the air was swiftly filled with laughter as old friends got reacquainted and reminiscing among the old photos and artifacts.
‘Mrs Willicome and her late husband were House Parents during the 1950s. When she and John Jones, one of her charges, saw one another for the first time in 60 years, the smiles on their faces were priceless! Jayl De Lara was similarly emotional at meeting his former House Parent Barbara Harris after 40 years.
‘Before lunch, Mick Brown, Martin Kelly, Peter Szewcuzk and Jayl De Lara spoke of their time at the Home. During lunch, we played footage from the Home’s Stockwell days. Later we heard memories from Denise Tromans, Val Chivers, Wally Mular, David Meader, Jimmy (James) Green and Ray Macpherson whose parents were Spurgeons House Parents. We closed with a traditional rendition of ‘Sequimini Optima’, with Mrs Macpherson playing the keyboard.
It was wonderful to meet you all. Let’s hope we can have another joyous get-together before too long!
Below you can watch a short video featuring those interviewed on the day:
Watch the full length video featuring all of the speakers.
Spurgeons Old Scholars
Old Scholars are those supporters who spent some of their childhood living at Spurgeons Children’s Homes in Birchington and Reigate.
We encourage alumni to keep in touch with us and share their memories.
Read more about our heritage and Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
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